Throughout our lives, many of us struggle with weight fluctuations and diets that just won’t stick. Gale Compton’s (co-founder of SkinnyMs.com) own personal struggle continued, on and off, starting in her teenager years. Disappointing fad diets and disheartening weight gain were a part of Gale’s life, for most of her life. Like many people, she occasionally lost weight, but eventually gained it back. After becoming fed up with being overweight and out-of-shape, she came to the realization that if she wanted to get healthy, she would need to change her lifestyle forever.
You’re familiar with the cycle. You lose weight, feel great, and then return to your old habits, which guarantees that you’ll gain back the weight you’ve lost. For many, the cycle continues for years. In an effort to break this unhealthy cycle, she developed simple weight loss techniques that anyone can easily implement into their lifestyle. Once these changes have become a routine part of one’s life, weight maintenance is no longer the struggle it once was.