Squeeze in a workout on a time crunch!
There’s no need to do crunches for an hour. If you want washboard abs, go for quality, not quantity. Incorporating the right moves into your workout will give you better, quicker results.
This thigh slimming workout is the perfect addition to your leg day routine. Targeting both your inner and outer thighs, this workout is a 5-minute solution that will help you tone, sculpt, and shape your legs.
When I met my husband, his workout consisted of 15 minutes on the Stairmaster a couple of times a week, and that was it. Fast forward four years, and he had lost 50 pounds, and we were training for the Chicago Marathon. What happened? It was me! Or should I say us!
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that your body needs rest. I’m not talking the 7-8 hours of sleep you (presumably) get each night, I’m talking true Recovery time—you know—so those muscle tissues can regenerate and rebuild after a tough week of work outs.
No time to workout? Are you working a 12-hour shift, and all you want to do after work is sleep? Making time to workout when you’re busy is hard, but if you’re willing to put a little time aside for yourself, it can be done. Here are some tips for fitting in that workout when […]
Motivation… an elusive creature. Sometimes it’s your BFF, right there when you need it, taking you places you never thought you could go and then sometimes, all of a sudden, it’s gone! Out of nowhere it walks out on you and you’re left to figure out how to drag yourself to the gym or make […]
No ifs, ands or butts about it: Your glutes are the largest and most powerful muscle group in the body. Not only will a toned derriere make you feel confident in a bikini, but a firm, strong backside will help you in your every day movements as well.
A flat, chiseled tummy is high on everyone’s fitness wish list. And while it’s perfectly possible to be healthy without a six-pack, there is no denying someone with rock-hard abs has worked hard for them.