Feeling a little blue? Or a little blah? Or perhaps a little bit of both? Well, SkinnyMs. has some yoga love for you! Our Top 5 Life-Changing Yoga Routines are just that – life-changing. They access the undercurrents of energy in your body and mind that you can’t usually see, but that you can definitely feel. Pick and choose each morning or evening a yoga routine to match your mood and needs. There’s a yoga solution for almost everything and we’ve compiled the best ones here for you in an easy-to-follow format with a stress-free learning curve.
Getting ready to take on an incredibly busy day, followed by a super hot date tonight? Combine the 7 Yoga Poses for All Day Energy with the 6 Yoga Poses that Lift and Tighten your Butt and you’ll be well-prepared in both departments. Need to unwind once the day and date have come to a close? Grab one or more of the 15 Yoga Poses to Zen Out Your Body and you really can’t go wrong. Find the poses that work for you and use them to shape your body and mood in such a way that meets your needs. You can do it! And SkinnyMs. can help.