At home workouts are great for those women who have kids, or simply don’t have the time to get to the gym every day. Many of us have busy schedules and other priorities that leave us searching for a workout that doesn’t require a trip to the gym. While this isn’t an everyday option, it is great to know how to get a workout in without leaving the house. Here are 10 at-home workouts you can do any day, with minimal equipment:
1. Hula Hooping – This exercise is so much fun you may not even know you’re burning calories! But you can burn about 200 calories in just 30 minutes and stash your hoop under the bed when you’re finished. A popular workout among celebrities, this will work your core and serve as your cardio for the day.
2. Jump Rope – This will leave you burning fat, and tons of calories, about 13 every minute! No need to go much farther than your front door and it’s fun. Former Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover girl Bar Rafaelis swears by this slimming secret.