Warmer weather means short shorts, sundresses, and other leg-exposing attire. Sometimes, however, you might not think your legs are worthy of gracing the season with their presence. As a result, you continue to slip on those long, uber-concealing pants, despite the soaring temperatures. Luckily, we’ve created a foolproof leg workout designed to shape those legs into toned perfection in no time!
And if the concept of muscle toning is foreign in your vocabulary, don’t worry! We’ve designed this workout to target absolute beginners, as it incorporates simple, straightforward exercises anyone can do. Not to mention, with enough consistency and drive on your part, these exercises yield incredible results! Simply squeeze this routine of leg lifts, squats, and lunges into your daily schedule. Before you know it, you’ll sport an eye-catching pair of fit, slender legs you won’t resist showing off!