Are you the kind of runner that loves to jog with a group of other people, but don’t know anybody in your area the shares your interest in running? It can be frustrating to have to embark on a run completely by yourself when you know you thrive on the company and competition of jogging or running with others. Whether you are just getting started, or have a lifelong passion for long distance running, knowing that you have somebody participating with you, and keeping you accountable, not only makes the pursuit of running more enjoyable, but can also push you to achieve greater successes.
What happens, however, when you want to run in a group but don’t know anyone on the same schedule? Can you imagine the opportunity to pick up your phone and nearly instantly connect with a group of runners eager to participate in a casual jog or an active long distance run? A new app makes it possible for you to be a part of an active running club and even if the other members are literally across the world. Yog is an app that allows you to create and join in scheduled runs with other people around the country and world. Decide the specifics of the run and invite others to come along with you, or join in someone else’s run. Your device will display images that help you keep track of where you are in relation to the other runners, and give you the sense that you are truly running with friends.