Cinnamon sensation smoothie
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“My favourite meal of the day is breakfast, and this is certainly the best way to start the day!”
Winner: Cahrisa de Kock-Seebregts
- What she used:
- How she made it:
- Tip:
- 1 scoop 100% Premium USN Whey, Cinnamon Bun flavour
- Cinnamon to taste
- Half a cup of oats
- Half a banana
- 1 teaspoon of sugar-free Black Cat Peanut butter (If you want to treat yourself, opt for almond butter instead)
- 100g fat-free Gero plain yoghurt/100g Hijke plain low-fat yoghurt
- Lots of ice
Blend it all together for the most delectable breakfast smoothie!
If you feel the mixture is a little too thick, add more ice.