I am one of the many women in America who work a desk job, meaning I sit on my patoot 8+ hours a day. Over the years, my once flawless motivation to stay fit slowly diverted to excelling in my career, where being fit isn’t a prerequisite and eating healthy is an afterthought. Overcoming the confinements of a desk job is not the easiest task, but it will be highly rewarding when you do. Here are a few tips that I have discovered that truly helped me regain motivation while adding value and happiness to my life:
Find Friends at Work Who Eat Healthy and Enjoy Fitness
We all know the saying “We become the company we keep”, and nothing could be more true when you’re trying to be a healthier more beautiful you. I know the thought of raw veggies and salads makes you want to run and hide, but wouldn’t it be so much easier if those around you were eating healthier too?