They’re delicious, filled with healthy fats and are a great addition to any summer menu. Native to Central Mexico, this fantastic flowering plant is in the same family as Cinnamon, Camphor and Bay Laurel. The avocado fruit is a large berry that contains a single seed and when ripe, the flesh is smooth and subtly flavored. Generally served raw, the fruit of the avocado is distinct and contains monounsaturated fats also known as “healthy” fats or omega fats. Used as a base for a Mexican dip called guacamole, it is spread on corn tortillas, tortilla chips and served with spices. This savory, exotic dip can be made in just a few steps at home and the varieties are endless. A colorful, zesty addition to any outside meal, avocados go great with rice, in salads, or on the side of a main dish. As a dip, guacamole adds a spicy flair to any party.
Nutritionally the avocados calories are about 75% monounsaturated fats and have 35% more potassium than bananas. They also contain B vitamins, Vitamin E and Vitamin K and have a high content of insoluble and soluble fibers. Due to its nutritional content the avocado has been shown in studies to help lower blood cholesterol levels. One study showed that after seven days of eating a diet rich in avocados, participants showed a 17% decrease in total serum cholesterol levels, a 22% decrease in LDL cholesterol levels (bad cholesterol) and an 11% increase of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).(1)