Results don’t come easy. That’s what separates you from everyone else. You’re willing to go the extra mile and put the hard work in! This H.I.I.T (High Intensity Interval Training) chest workout is going to push your body to its limit. Once you hit that limit, you don’t quit. You find that extra bit of energy and you keep pushing through!
H.I.I.T. workouts are the new craze for a number of reasons. Life is busy and spending an hour at the gym doesn’t always seem realistic. 30 minutes of H.I.I.T can offer the same benefits as 90 minutes of steady to moderate paced exercise. Within that short period of time, you’re building up your cardio and muscle endurance while also drastically increasing your metabolism, which helps blast unnecessary calories and fat. What are you waiting for? H.I.I.T it!