Many of us thrive on getting outdoors and breathing fresh air during our workout routines, and there are few outdoor exercises as effective as running. Running burns calories, torches fat, and is free of charge. Our guide to starting an outdoor running program combines useful tools to train your body, ease into your program, and strength train your muscles for a productive, injury-free running regimen that will ramp up your cardiovascular fitness, blast fat, and tone your body. Let us get you started on a fitness program that will go the distance!
Know Your Path: A short jog can turn into several more miles than planned with just one wrong turn. Stick with what you know. Start off going around your block, even if you need to loop around a few times. There may be designated trails at a nearby park, too. Plan a route that you are familiar with and that you know other walkers and runners will be populating. There’s safety in numbers!