Hot Yoga is a form of yoga practiced in temperatures well above room temperature. The range is usually somewhere between 85° to 125° F. By combining the already unparalleled benefits of yoga, Hot Yoga (technically Bikram Yoga) assists the body in sweating out toxins while letting you get even closer to the stretches. While you use the heat to sweat and detoxify impurities, you can focus closer on your deep breathing.
What is the final result? It all comes down to the removal of anxiety, a better physical strength, weight loss and, of course, detoxification of impurities.
Too many of us find it difficult to do even daily tasks around us without trouble. Whether it is our physical strength or the toxic thoughts in our mind, nothing is accomplished with complete satisfaction. Anxiety and stress cause this mental imbalance, and Bikram Yoga or Hot Yoga helps to clear the way for balance and less stress, both mentally and physically.