Is it possible to get a bikini model body without supplements or steroids? Today, we set the record straight.
Yes, we know it can be disheartening to look at your favourite bikini model, when despite spending hours in the gym, your body doesn’t look any where close to hers. Fitness competitors who don’t use supplements are few and far between. That’s because supplements work together with proper nutrition, to create the desired results, in less time. The most common supplements used by competitors include fat burners, BCAAs, Glutamine and protein powders. They are specially designed to burn fat, build muscle and faster recovery. Fitness competitor, Sarah Norscia uses supplements especially when life gets busy.
“I make use of a whey shake when prepping for the stage, as I find it helps to supplement my diet when I don’t have the time to get all of my meals in for the day. But real food is always best.”
While supplementation helps, it is possible to achieve the competitor body without the use of supplements.
“Just make sure you are getting enough macronutrients from whole foods,” Sarah advises, “your training should be the same, regardless of whether or not you choose to use supplements.”
It is however, important to note that genetics and body frame play a major role in developing muscle. For example, if you’re petite with little fat it might take longer for muscles to grow. That could be because you are not able to pick up heavier weights in the early stages of a workout programme. In this case, try to train for strength first and then switch your focus later on. So, keep this in mind before resolving that the only route to success is steroid-use.
“People want a quick fix. They want the body “so and so” has, forgetting that it took her years to reach that point. With patience and hard work, you will get there,” notes Sarah.
Your health and looks are far too important. Besides, every individual is different, so you never know how steroids will affect you or your body.
Despite the dangers, Sarah admits that steroids are sometimes used amongst competitors. She has even won competitions against women that were using anabolics. She maintains that if you can’t compete without using drugs then you shouldn’t be in the sport.
That said, if you’re not happy with your results despite eating clean, training and taking supplements, perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate and change things up until you find an approach that works for you. Also keep in mind that suitable dietary fat intake is required to build muscle because ingested fat plays an important role in the creation of anabolic hormones, in both men and women. Therefore, a very low fat and high carb diet may stifle muscle growth somewhat. In terms of training, consider getting a good trainer to work with for a while. Having access to someone with qualifications and experience.
“A competitive bikini body requires a combination of a good nutrition plan and the correct exercise programme. Implement these elements into your lifestyle and you’re well on your way to that bikini body and ready for the stage.”
At the end of the day, the process of building muscle takes time, but the results will worth it. With the right approach, and your commitment to the process, you are guaranteed to see results.