Deciphering food labels can be a big chore if you don’t know what you are looking for. So, SkinnyMs. has put together a few tips to get you in and out of the grocery store in a flash! After a long day, we know you don’t want to spend hours reviewing food labels! So, make these points your first to look at:
Serving Size. It is important to check the serving size and decide whether this is a realistic serving size for you and your family. If the serving size is half of a cup and you’re sure you will eat one-cup, keep that in mind as you read the rest of the pertinent nutrition facts. The nutrition facts are relevant to the serving size listed. So, if half a cup is the serving size and you know you’ll eat a cup – then all of the facts you look at next will double, for example, 8 grams of fat will now be 16 grams for you, etc.