Running and other workouts can leave you dehydrated, and while it may seem logical to have a sports drink to re-hydrate, many of them (if not all of them) are filled with artificial ingredients, and tons of sugar. While they do provide important electrolytes, they still are not the best choice when it comes to hydration, especially after racing, or training. There are better options, but before we talk about those let’s first understand what it takes to stay hydrated in the first place.
What to Drink and When
Start your day, every day with at least 2, 8 oz glasses of water. It’s best to have one soon after you wake up and you want to continue to drink during the day, and not just at meals. If you are thirsty, you’re already dehydrated so be sure you have a cool water bottle you don’t mind having around and sip from it throughout the day. Just remember that it is possible to over hydrate and drink too much water, this condition is called a hyponatraemic state and it can be fatal. As a general rule, consume about 8, 8 oz glasses of water every day.