Are you thinking about jumping into Kangoo Jumps

? These are definitely not your mother’s running shoes. Kangoo Jumps are a brand of rebound shoes, exercise footwear that features a space-age-looking spring mechanism underneath the sole. These increasingly popular workout shoes are not cheap—a pair can sell for up to $299—so why might you want to make the investment?
- Prevent injury. Exercisers who wore normal shoes had a far higher risk of lower leg injuries than those who wore Kangoo Jumps, according to one study. In fact, more than 40% of participants who wore normal shoes reported injuries, like shin splints and ankle sprains, over the 12-week study—compared to no injuries reported by those wearing the rebound shoes [1]. The reason is the spring mechanism that’s designed to lower impact. Learn more about injury prevention with Start Running without Injury or Burnout.
- Protect joints & bones. Running has loads of benefits—but it can jar the joints and bones. The spring mechanism in the shoe acts as a cushion, better protecting the body. A Swiss study of Kangoo Jumps found that wearing the shoes cut the impact on the tibia by 50% and the impact on the lumbar spine by about 20% [2]. You may also want to check out Fab Foods That Can Help Reduce Joint Pain.
- Resume fitness sooner. Already struggling to bounce back after injury? The same impact reduction that protects the body may also allow you to ease back into exercise sooner during injury recovery. As always, consult a health professional before resuming any exercise after an injury.
- Build cardiovascular fitness. If you want to go for the long burn, then Kangoo Jumps might be for you. A university study found that wearing this brand of rebound shoes increased cardiovascular fitness, measured by peak oxygen intake [3].
- Burn calories. Kangoo Jumps were originally developed for runners and joggers, so rebound shoes may be a great way to boost calorie burn during those exercises. In addition, because the footwear is becoming more popular some gyms are adding rebound shoe sessions to their weight loss fitness classes. To boost weight loss further, read Increase Resting Metabolic Rate for Weight Loss.
- Build posture. You want posture that makes mom proud? Exercising with Kangoo Jumps requires you to maintain balance—and that requires proper posture. What’s more, using balance forces you to build stronger muscles in the back, which may help reduce back aches and pains. Awesome bonus: good posture makes you naturally look thinner too!
- They’re fun! Remember how you felt bouncing on a trampoline as a kid?! Rebound shoes allow you to tap that inner kid and burn fat and calories so you can lose weight and feel fabulous. Add extra spring to your workout with this Top Songs to Get You Revved Up playlist.
Whether you need a way to protect joints and bones from jarring exercise or you just want to add a new bounce to your weight loss routine, Kangoo Jumps might be worth a look!