7 Day Back & Shoulder Challenge

7 Day Back & Shoulder Challenge

The 7 Day Back and Shoulder Challenge offers something we all would love to have, a sculpted back and shoulders, minus the extra fat. Defined shoulders give the illusion of having a smaller waist and a developed back is beautiful, there’s no denying it. After doing this challenge you may find yourself turning around, looking in the mirror and admiring all your hard work. Keep going after this challenge, 1-2 days a week of working a particular muscle group will get you one awesome body. This challenge also includes fat burning workouts to help get rid of the extra back fat.


Equipment Needed:  2-4 sets of dumbbells (3 lbs-15 lbs), a yoga mat, chair, exercise ball or bench, interval timer(Gymboss is a free app download) and water for hydration

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