If you notice your clothes fit a little too snuggly lately, or simply want to drop a few pounds for an upcoming event, look no further! With enough commitment and motivation, these 7 Best Fat-Blasting Exercise will melt those pesky excess pounds in no time. These foolproof exercises are designed to alternate between strength training and cardio, giving your body exactly what it needs to rev up that metabolism and burn fat. With this slenderizing workout plan, you don’t have to dread squeezing into those skinny jeans, or feeling insecure over that beach vacation you have coming up. We’re here for you!
If you fear you don’t have the equipment or time to follow through with this workout, worry not! Besides compiling a list of the best fat blasters, we’ve made sure this list is a low maintenance program. You only need a yoga mat, a couple of light dumbbells, a free downloaded interval timer app (try Gymboss), and yourself! And best of all, we’ve included easy-to-follow videos below. The bottom line? Squeezing in these waist-whittling, fat blasting exercises to your schedule is simple- it just takes a little drive and determination on your part! Go on, follow the easy instructions below and get your fat-blasting on. You’ve got this!