What’s on your gotta-do list this week? If you’re like most of us, it’s a crazy mish-mash of everything….doctor appointments, kids’ lessons, laundry, or any of the other everyday things you do to keep your world on course. Who has time to cook a healthy meal? You do! These 6 quick-prep weekday meals will help you do it.
Yes, you’re busy, but that doesn’t mean you should sacrifice your health (or that of loved ones) when it comes to putting dinner on the table. We’ve all fallen into that busy-day trap of settling for quick take-out or reaching for boxed meals. Some foods are chock-full of artery-clogging cholesterol and waistline-expanding fat. Even when choices are labeled “healthy” they still often add too much sodium or sugar to our diet. And no matter which take-out or packaged foods you choose, chances are good they contain chemicals that your body wasn’t built to process (Hint: those are the ingredients with the unpronounceable names).