Sure, dialing up your local pizza joint is easy. But why scarf down a stale slice of greasy pizza, loaded with calories and refined ingredients, when you’ll feel weighed down and drained of energy afterward? Making your own wholesome, clean eating pizza at home is so much more rewarding, and your body will reap the benefits of a nutritious, hearty meal that sustains and satisfies.
We’re going to take you step-by-step through the process of making your own pizza dough from home. It’s not nearly as difficult as it sounds, and it tastes so much more delicious! Famous chefs like Mario Batali make pizza-making a ritual at their own homes, for their families. What better way to teach your friends and family about the virtues of clean eating, than by involving them in the fun, easy process of making healthy pizza dough, and then waiting for your warm, scrumptious pie to heat up in the oven? Pizza night doesn’t need to be hectic. It’s a night to enjoy the company of loved ones by sharing in the communal activity of making fresh dough and savoring one of everyone’s favorite comfort foods.