Burn massive amounts of calories and strengthen your entire body with this high intensity workout.
Now that your familiar with our movements, it’s time to change up the order and workout splits so you can keep challenging your body for even better results!
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3
We’ve set up 5 stations of workouts, which makes up 1 circuit. Each station comprises of 2 moves, which you have to perform as a superset. (I.e perform the 1st exercise as directed, immediately followed by the 2nd exercise for the required reps. That’s 1 set)
Once you’re finished with the superset at station 1, wait 45 seconds and move on to station 2. Complete all 4 stations of supersets to finish 1 circuit.
Depending on your level, complete 3 – 4 rounds of this circuit. Remember form over function. If you struggle with an exercise, rather reduce the weight used to ensure proper form. We’ve provided you with 2 workouts, spread these at least 2 days apart.
Very important; do a sufficient warm up and activation exercises prior to this workout.
15 Dips
10 Close grip push-ups
15 Bent over rows
15 Jackknives
30 Walking lunges