There are tons of canned, and pre-packaged food options that make it easy to eat on-the-go, but never underestimate the value of planning your meals, and snacks so you have fresh whole foods along with an accurate calorie count. It may seem like it takes more time to plan ahead, but in the end you are saving yourself extra sodium, gluten and added sugars found in common canned and packaged foods. If you are committed to the quality of your food and quantity of bioavailable nutrients, packing handy snacks for a work day or even as you run errands to keep you from grabbing whatever’s handy can really pay off.
Check out these 25 100 calorie snacks you can take anywhere. They’re great at work, as some need refrigeration to stay fresh for more than a few hours. Here are 25 SkinnyMs. ideas for easy, on-the-go snacks you can package in a baggie at home and they’re all Under 100 Calories!