Maybe you know those family-favorite comfort food recipes aren’t doing your body any favors. Perhaps you just want new low-calorie recipes that taste like they were made out of real, yummy foods instead of cardboard. Let us help you out! These best 11 skinny recipes under 275 calories are waist-smart additions to your healthy menu planning. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you’re starting to change your eating habits in favor of nutritious foods. But it doesn’t need to be stressful. For example, rather than jumping into a brand new eating plan for every meal, try to swap in one healthy meal per day to start. This week, maybe you’ll start with nutritious new entrees. In another week, add lunchtime skinny recipes, like these soups and sandwiches, to the meal plan.
Once the family is used to those foods, begin serving good-for-the-body snacks, such as 20 Healthy Snacks with Fewer than 75 Calories. Healthy menu planning doesn’t need to be a hassle. Here at SkinnyMs., our team works hard to develop and find the best low-calorie recipes, the kind that actually taste good without loading you up with the sugar, fat, and calories that add pounds—and dress sizes. Start making your healthy meal plans today with these fan-favorite recipes.