Running is one of the most popular sports. From cross-country to track, there are many ways to practice running. Perhaps you’re a solitary jogger, enjoying the rhythmic pounding of your feet against the road. You could be a sprinter, someone who loves testing how fast their legs can move. You can enjoy running with a single friend or a community. You can run marathons, or run without set finish lines. You can run on trails, tracks, beaches, or roads. However you like to run, you’re not alone.
There are runners around the world, and it’s easy to see why. Running comes with a wide array of health benefits. It can help prevent diseases of all kinds, including mental conditions, age-related diseases, diabetes, and even cancer. If you’re looking for reasons running is good for you, check out these 10 amazing health benefits of running. You’ll be lacing up your sneakers in no time!