Introducing the No More Excuses, Total Body Makeover, 10 minute weightless workout from SkinnyMs. You’ve told us your challenge again and again. There’s never enough time to exercise! So here it is. An easy, bodyweight workout that requires almost no time at all. In the time it takes you to write a Facebook post or check your email, you can transform your body with these simple bodyweight exercises that take only 10 minutes to perform. Try doing this workout 3-4 times per week (and check email 3-4 fewer times) and you’ll be healthier, hotter, and, let’s face it, probably more sane!
Exercise not only tones your body, but your mind as well. 10 minutes of time that takes your attention away from your computer or smartphone screen, and is devoted to your health and wellbeing will pay dividends physically, emotionally, and mentally. Can you really justify NOT taking 10 minutes for yourself now? We thought not!